Checking Your Social Security Earnings and Benefits
Checking Your Social Security Earnings and Benefits
Find out your estimated Social Security benefits at various retirement ages.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) keeps a database of your earnings record and work credits, tracking both through your Social Security number. The SSA mails this information annually on Social Security statements to everyone age 25 and over (who is not already receiving Social Security benefits). The Social Security statement gives you an estimate of the benefits you'll receive at retirement age, which can play an important role in your financial planning.
How to Get a Copy of Your Social Security Statement
If you have not received your statement, you can request a copy by following the instructions on the SSA website at If you would prefer to make the request in writing, you can fill out a simple form, SSA 7004, called a Request for Social Security Statement, available at your local Social Security office or by calling 800-772-1213.
Check the Social Security Administration's Math
Your statement includes a record of the earnings on which you've paid taxes and an estimate of the benefits you will receive at various retirement ages: 62, 67, and 70. It is always wise for you to check the SSA's numbers. Don't be surprised if you uncover an error. Some government-watchers estimate that the SSA makes mistakes on at least 3% of the total official earnings records it keeps.
When you check your record, make sure that the Social Security number noted on your earnings statement is your own, and make sure the earned income amounts listed on the agency's records mesh with your own records of earnings as listed on your income tax forms or pay stubs.
How to Correct an Error on Your Social Security Statement
If you have evidence of your covered earnings in the year or years for which you think Social Security has made an error, call Social Security's helpline at 800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. This is the line that takes all kinds of Social Security questions, and it is often swamped, so be patient. It is best to call early in the morning or late in the afternoon, late in the week, or late in the month. Have all your documents handy when you speak with a representative.
If you would rather speak with someone in person, call your local Social Security office and make an appointment to see someone there, or drop into the office during regular business hours. If you drop in, be prepared to wait, perhaps as long as an hour or two, before you get to see a representative. Bring with you two copies of your benefits statement and the evidence that supports your claim of higher income. That way, you can leave one copy with the Social Security worker. Write down the name of the person with whom you speak so that you can reach the same person when you follow up.
The process to correct errors is slow. It may take several months to have the changes made in your record. After Social Security confirms that it has corrected your record, request another benefits statement to make sure the correct information made it to your file.
Using Your Benefit Estimates
As your statement will show, your Social Security retirement benefits will vary depending on when you claim them before or after your full retirement age (65-67, depending on the year you were born). The longer you wait to start receiving payments, the higher your benefit amount will be.
However, it's not always better to wait until your full retirement age to claim your Social Security benefits. If you need your Social Security benefits for living expenses, or you have a health condition that makes it unlikely that you will live past age 75 or so, you may be better off collecting your benefits sooner than later. You can use a calculator at the Social Security website to see which retirement age makes the most financial sense for you (go to
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