Country View Retirement Apartments
Country View Retirement Apartments
6911 North US. Hwy. 281
Pleasanton, Texas 78064
The Following Services Are Available From Country View Retirement Apartments:
* 1 Bedroom Apartments. (650 square foot)
* All bills paid ( except phone, cable).
* Full Housekeeping / Laundry Service.
* 3 Home cooked meals a day / 7 days a week.
* Delicious, nutritious, and exceptionally prepared meals, served in the dining room.
* Families are responsible for all appointments.
* Families will be well informed on all Medical conditions to ensure the best care.
* In an emergency, family will be called. Residents will be kept comfortable till family or 911 arrives.
* All medications are kept locked in a secure place.
* Residents will be assisted with their own medications as prescribed by their physicians.
* Facility will provided hair cuts as needed at no additional charge for both male and female residents. .
* Facility will cut / polish finger nails, and trim toe nails as requested by resident.
(No extra charge for these service.)
* Friends and family are always welcome.
* Residents may leave any time as long as they check in and out at the office.
Social activities.
* Seasonal and Birthday Celebration.
* Bird watching / Gardening.
* Enjoying facility pets.
We care about you, your health, and what’s best for your family in a loving and safe home environment.
