What to do after retirement
What to do after retirement
Small business plans after retirement
After you get home after your final retirement party and you face a life without having to go into work every day, the initial sense of relief is wonderful. But, when you continue to do that for weeks or months after retired, you may end up deciding this is not how you want to spend the rest of your life......
More and more of today's retirees are choosing to go back work or start small business after their retirement.It's not because they need the money,or access to healthcare insurance.They just to do something more productive and to do some thing "more productive".It is an urge for self expression and an attempt to engage oneself with something of his passion that he could not continue.
Of course, another rising concern is the economy.The economic slowdown is hitting affluent baby boomers hard, just as they are preparing for retirement. One in four affluent 60-year-olds are changing their retirement plans and 40 percent "downsizing" their lifestyles, according to a national survey from Bell Investment Advisors, conducted in April. Survey findings revealed that almost 30 percent of affluent boomers have more financial stress now than they did six months ago and are earnestly looking for small business retirement plans to make a substitute earning.
With the way economy is heading and the stock market continuously dropping,more and more people are beginning to fear how they will save up for retirement. Supplement your pension and/or government social security checks by creating a supplementary income stream that generates growing monthly revenue.
You don’t have to go back to work full-time again for your alternate income stream. Many of my friends who run home-based businesses are not looking to earn big bucks fast. They just want to supplement their income, primarily to pay healthcare premiums and out-of-pocket expenses and to have some additional money for more entertainment and travel expenses. They don’t want to work the hours or endure the stresses of managing a larger company.They just rejuvenate their younger time passions or their professional experience to make money out of it.
Doing something creative and create income out of it !!
Yes! they can go together.
Do You Know Something About Anything?
A Hobby? A Passion? Any Interests? Experience?
Everyone has passion for or knowledge of something. Whether it's a hobby, special interest, or knowledge from experience,many people have turned their knowledge into income using the power of Internet.It is because there are many people in the world who want to know from you..who would likely to be interested in your thoughts on a subject.
All you need is your brain and motivation.
Your innate talents are activities that are either very easy for you to perform, or things that you absolutely love doing. It could be that you’re a great singer. Perhaps your baked goods taste like they came directly from heaven’s oven, or maybe you have a knack for organizing things. So when it comes to choosing an idea/topic for your information product, an excellent place to begin your search is with your own natural abilities. In other words, your info product can be based on explaining the details of a process that you normally accomplish very easily.
Let me give you an example.Wendy, a complete Internet newbie, came online to share her passion about planning great parties. Her site now receives almost 70,000 visits a month from over 100 countries. Wendy says "my website is the best retirement investment plan going, providing me with income now and into my future."
No matter what your passion is or interests are, as long as you have the right tools, a brain (without being "brainy"), and the motivation, you can do it too! See some more real world business from people with unique ideas.
After retirement,turn Your Knowledge and hobby Into small business .
I started my internet business way back in 2000 and I must confess that Claude Jollet was my inspiration.Who is Claude Jollet? Jollet, is a 61 years young with a burning desire to "do something creative".His passion is amateur radio & meteorology. Claude at 61 is cruising along and having the time of his life as he steers his "Web ships" to exciting ports of call. Author and publisher of French poetry, operational business planning consultant, meteorology enthusiast, and the list goes on, Claude uses his life's experiences and passions and gets paid for doing it.
I came to know his name from a news letter of Ken Evoy, CEO of Site Build It!.I personally asked him how he could achieve success with is two highly specialized themes? And also how he managed the site buildup phase as he had no experience beforehand. He answered precisely- "because there are many people in this world interested in my subject and because as there was Ken Evoy with his SBI!.
Let Claude Jollet himself tell you a bit more about the ease, satisfaction and freedom of building an online presence from his small business after retirement plans, one based on his expertise and true passion.
The Internet is a powerful tool for gaining personal and financial independence.The Internet has made it entirely possible for individuals to take a hobby and turn it into a small or home-based money making business. It is not a full-time business and with focus, persistence and determination, there is no reason why anyone should not be successful. Whether your hobby is bird watching, gardening, stamp or coin collecting, or simply sitting on a beach somewhere and watching people, there are a whole lot of like minded folks around the world that would likely be interested in your thoughts on the subject.If you find interest in it and decide to make a start, I suggest you to download a free book "Make Your Knowledge Sell!". The book is the bible of info publishing business on net, written by Ken.
Enhance your after retirement life:do something New
Anything worthwhile needs time, effort and motivation. As a retiree,you must be willing to put in some effort for your creative satisfaction.It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it won’t help you quit your day job overnight, but it is an effective way to generate a good bit of supplemental income, commonly a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per site per month.
Yes, I tell you from my experience...It is Possible.
The start up requirements to this business model are really simple. In fact, the simpler the better when you are starting out.You CAN build a highly successful online business plan on ANY topic imaginable. With NO technical skills.. Just converting your knowledge into business. Convert your knowledge in 4 simple steps:
1. Choose site theme
2. Brainstorm profitable topics
3. Build site with high value content
4. Content ranks at the Search Engine
5.The more traffic you have,the more money you earn.
The problem is elsewhere.Most of the retired people are not very internet savvy and it is expected that you also will make mistakes on the technical side that you are totally oblivious to.You may get the content side right,but the technology will cripple your result.You don't know how to make a web page,upload your site to a remote server, you know nothing of promotion techniques - the search engine and optimization process.
Well, that is the challenge. That is the food for your creative brain in your retirement days...and I assure you that it pays..and it pays fabulously if you do it right both in terms of money and creative satisfaction.To start with,I again insist you reading the book Make Your Knowledge Sell. It is a 149 pages book.Take a print for serious reading. Writer of the book is Dr. Ken Evoy , a Canadian physician turned entrepreneur. He is a well-respected Internet Marketer throughout the world and has written numerous highly-acclaimed ebooks and is the creator of Site Build It, a revolutionary small business builder designed for retired seniors. Even if you don't want to use their system, you can get a lot of knowledge from these books.
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