Woodlands Baptist Retirement Community
Woodlands Baptist Retirement Community
700 Janet Dr
Burnet, Texas 78611
Phone 512·756·2145
The Woodlands Retirement Center is a community of retirees who want a quality home without the responsibility of upkeep and who want a community of caring neighbors who have enough in common to be comfortable together but who are different enough to keep life interesting.
The Woodlands is a campus of Baptist Memorials Ministries of San Angelo, Texas that has served senior adults for over 50 years and currently operates two retirement village campuses-one in San Angelo, Texas and one in Burnet, Texas.
Woodlands residents have access to facilities for recreation and exercise such as the on-campus community center. In this facility there is space for large group seating for meetings, banquets or private family events; a large kitchen; a game room; an exercise room with exercycles and treadmills; and large restrooms with showers.
The Woodlands is a subdivision of single-family homes where residents can enjoy their independence in an environment conducive to their well-being. The City of Burnet is well-equipped with medical services including a hospital, physician’s offices, dentists, pharmacies, nursing homes, ophthmologists, chiropractors and podiatrists. Residents of the Woodlands also have access to the medical facilities on the San Angelo campus whether for short or long-term needs. These facilities and services, along with access to major medical services in nearby Austin and local home health care, provide optimum retirement independence with dignity.
At least once each month, the residents gather for a covered dish dinner and game night. During the summer months, bar-b-ques are held outdoors. Each Thursday afternoon the women gather to play table games such as forty-two, pony-tail canasta or Mexican train. "Second Friday Activities" meets during the winter months (October-June) and offers a variety of events including: trips to neighboring towns for dinner, to nearby Horseshoe Bay for plays and musical presentations, and to Fredericksburg for a tour of the wildflower gardens or a night at the theatre. Events also include on-campus music groups, movies, and quality speakers who address issues for seniors such as financial planning, gardening, and geology of the Hill Country.
Copyright © 2004
Woodlands Retirement Center All Rights Reserved.
